Antonopoulos-Domis M., Demokritos NCSR, Tambouratzis T.
IMORN 28, Proceedings
International Meeting on Reactor Noise, October 11-13, 2000
1.Nuclear Power Plant Surveillance. Chairman: J. Blazquez
- Design of a graphic environment for LPRM signals on line monitoring, based on PBDS card confirmation count. [M.J. Palomo, R. Sanchis, G. Verdi, J.L. Muzoz-Cobo, J.L. Buedo Jiménez]
- Primary circuit monitoring in PSAD workstation tested at TRICASTIN 2 NPP. [S.Cassen, P.Schlupp]
- Advanced monitoring system improve availability and safety of nuclear power plants. [B. Bechtold]
- The issues of energy diagnostics of circulation pumps for nuclear reactors. [V.V. Ostapenko, V.V. Bulavin]
2. Parameter Estimation – Stochastic Processes and Methods. Chairman: H.van Dam
- A probabilistic approach to parameter uncertainty in criticality problems. [M.M.R. Williams]
- The skewness of temperature noise in the hot leg of a PWR. [M. Balbas, J. Blazquez, J.M.Chicharro]
- Theoretical investigation of the MTC noise estimate in 1-D homogeneous systems. [Ch. Demaziere, I. Pazsit]
- Estimation of the moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity via noise analysis using closed-loop transfer functions. [C. Housiadas, M. Antonopoulos-Domis]
- Calculation of the moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity for water moderated reactors. [K. Mourtzanos, C. Housiadas, M. Antonopoulos-Domis]
3.Signal Processing Advances and Applications. Chairman: E.Turkcan
- On application of wavelets for filtering noise measurement. [G.Por, I.Pazsit]
- Determination of a gamma source distribution for safeguard purposes by data processing with a coded aperture camera. [R. Accorsi, F. Gasparini, R.C. Lanza, M. Marseguerra]
- Analytical estimates of pulsation spectrum generated by vertical centrifugal pump in the reactor circuit. [V.V. Ostapenko, A.Yu. Burtaev]
- Separate identification of dynamic and noise part of multivariate systems operating in closed loop [K. Mourtzanos]
4.Soft Computing Techniques. Chairman: G.Por
- Use of genetic algorithms for on line reactivity forecasting. [M. Marseguerra, L.Podofillini, E.Zio]
- Determination of parameters in groundwater contaminant transport models by means of genetic algorithms. [F. Giacobbo, M. Marseguerra, E. Zio]
- Recurrent neural networks for dynamic system prediction. [M. Marseguerra, R. Masini, E. Zio]
- Utilization of neural networks and genetic algorithms to determine energy-threshold calibration curves in a safeguard experiment with fast neutrons and gammas. [L.G.Chiang, M. Marseguerra, R.B. Oberer, S. Pozzi, S. Ramoni]
- Instability localisation with artificial neural networks. [T. Tambouratzis, M. Antonopoulos-Domis]
- 5. Stability Monitoring. Chairman: T.H.J.J. van der Hagen
- BWR-stabilities in Oskarshamn 3 before and after installation of a stability monitor. [B.-G.Bergdahl, R.Oguma]
- Is the Decay Ratio the best alarm for BWR instability?. [J. Blazquez, J. Ruiz]
- A singular system analysis for neutronic signals. [G. Verdu, D. Ginestar]
6. Vibration Monitoring. Chairman: M.M.R.Williams
- Monitoring the mechanical vibration of in-core detector tubes and fuel channels via ICFD noise analysis. [O. Glockler, D.F. Cooke, G.J. Czuppon, K.K. Kapoor]
- A treatment of the neutron noise induced by vibrating boundaries. [V. Arzhanov, I. Pazsit]
- Vibration monitoring of a control rod at the research reactor. [E. Turkcan, Vries, S.J.D. van Linge, T.H.J.J. van der Hagen, H.van Dam]
- The rolling motion of the core barrel in WWER-440 type reactors [M. Berta, G. Por]
- Investigation and enhancements of some models describing core barrel motion in VVER 440 type reactors. [S. Lipcsei, S. Kiss]
7. Thermodynamics Measurements and Boiling Detection. Chairman: I.Pazsit
- High-speed measurement of the void fraction distribution in ducts by wire-mesh sensors [H.-M. Prasser]
- Estimating the response times of pressure/flow transmitters and RTDs via in-situ noise measurements. [O. Glockler, D.F. Cooke, G.J. Czuppon, K.K. Kapoor]
- Experiments on the nonlinear dynamics of a natural circulation two-phase flow loop. [R. Zboray, W.J.M. de Kruijf, T.H.J.J. van der Hagen, H. van Dam]
- On the determination of transit times during flow oscillations. [A. Manera, T.H.J.J. van der Hagen, W.J.M. de Kruijf, H. van Dam]
- Core process monitoring using separation techniques. [J. Pohlus]