Μπουζάκης Ε. Kωνσταντίνος - Διονύσιος
icmen, 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing ENgineering
Proceedings | 5-7 October 2005, Kallithea of Chalkidiki, Greece
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. K.-D. Bouzakis, Director of EEDM, Chairman of the Organizing Committee
The manufacturing procedures of a part affect the fulfilling of requirements, set during its design, considering the operational conditions. Thus it is very important to understand the mechanisms, taking place during manufacturing processes and based on that, to gain advantages in global competition. The permanent increase of research activities, concerning manufacturing procedures, during the last years, might prove this conclusion.
The International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering icmen was established during the Hellenic Chairmanship of EUREKA 2001-2002, attaining in strengthening synergies between people involved in scientific research and those having to meet the rapidly increasing demands of industrial applications. The 1st icmen was held on October 2002, in Sani of Chalkidiki in Greece.
It is a great privilege and honor for the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering (ΕΕΔΜ) of the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, with the support of the Hellenic EUREKA office, and the scientific sponsorship of the International Institution for Production Research to organize the 2nd icmen. Conference on October 5-7, 2005, in Kallithea of Chalkidiki in Greece. In icmen, research activities results, elaborated in various scientific Institutions, Companies and in ΕΕΔΜ will be presented.
The EUREKA brokerage event, organized at the end of this Conference aims to stimulate collaborations between Research Institutions and Industry towards the creation of projects in the frame of the EUREKA Initiative, for the development of innovative products and services.
I wish to all participants a pleasant stay in Kallithea of Chalkidiki.
- Plenary
- Coated cutting tools performance characterization supported by nanoindentations, impact tests and fem simulations
K.-D. Bouzakis, N. Michailidis, G. Skordaris, A. Asymakopoulos, E. Lili, A. Sampris - Characterisation of ceramic coatings generated by laser pyrolysis of sicn-polymers
H.-J. Krauß, G. Motz, A. Otto, M. Geiger - Surface preparation, coating and wear performance of geometrically defined cutting edges
B. Denkena, M. Reichstein, J. Brodehl, L. de Leon Garcia - A survey of advanced coatings as key element of modern cutting tools and functional components
G. Erkens - Current Development Trends in the Thermal Spray Technology – a Short Overview
K. Bobzin, E. Lugscheider, J. Zwick - Coatings and structuring of electronic devices
K. Feldmann, M. Rösch, T. BiglManufacturing
- Coated tools and environmentally friendly lubricants for machining inconel 718
F. Klocke, D. Lung, K. Gerschwiler, J. Grams - Performance of multilayer cvd diamond films
E. Uhlmann, R. Kott, J. Gussone - Effect on PVD coated cemented carbide inserts cutting performance of micro-blasting and lapping of their substrates
K.–D. Bouzakis, G. Skordaris, N. Michailidis, A. Asimakopoulos, G. Erkens - Cutting performance improvement through micro-blasting on well-adherent pvd films on cemented carbides inserts
K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Skordaris, I. Mirisidis, N. Michailidis, G. Mesomeris, E. Pavlidou, G. Erkens - Wear development of cemented carbide inserts coated with mono and multilayer PVD films, considering their strength properties and the cutting loads
K.-D. Bouzakis, J. Anastopoulos, A. Asimakopoulos - Establish the durability of some hard PVD coated drills
R.-G. Ripeanu, I. Tudor, A. Tache - Correlation between mechanical strength properties of PVD films and the wear behavior of coated tools
K.-D. Bouzakis, J. Anastopoulos - Impact of annealing on characteristics and cutting performance of altin coating in turning tests
G. Fox-Rabinovich, J. L. Endrino, A. Kovalev, S. Veldhuis, F. Fontaine, B. Beake, L. Shuster, G. Dosbaeva - Effect of PVD film residual stresses on the cutting performance of coated cemented carbide inserts
K.-D. Bouzakis, J. Anastopoulos, G. Skordaris - Novel precision and micro grinding tools made by chemical vapour deposition of diamond
J. Gäbler, L. Schäfer, S. Pleger - High performance (Cr1-x, Alx)N PVD-coatings for thixoforming of AL-MMC
K. Bobzin, E. Lugscheider, M. Maes, P. ImmichMachine Components
- Thin hard coatings for application in machine components
R. Michalczewski, W. Piekoszewski, M. Szczerek, W. Tuszynski - About the advantages of pulsed plasmas to apply advanced tribological coatings on bearing components
G. Erkens, R. Cremer, T. Rasa, J. Müller, Ch. Brecher, G. Spachtholz - Test of PVD coatings in the wave bearing environment. Part I: One thousand start-stop and oil-off tests
F. Dimofte, R.F. Handschuh, M. Jo Long-Davis, Ch.J. DeTardo - Test of PVD coatings in the wave bearing environment. Part II: Test of coatings under low oil supply pressure down to zero
F. Dimofte, R.F. Handschuh, M. Jo Long-Davis, Ch.J. DeTardoCoating Deposition Process
- Micro-structuring of thin-film nano-coatings and modification of functional surfaces by UV-laser radiation
H.K. Tönshoff, U. Stute, F. Otte, F. Meyer, S. Gollapudi - Study of Flattening Mechanism of Plasma Sprayed Copper Particles
D.K. Christoulis, D.I. Pantelis, F. Borit, V. Guipont, M. Jeandin - New approaches concerning the enhancement of wear and corrosion resistance of magnesium parts by thermally sprayed coating systems
E. Lugscheider, Fr.-W. Bach, K. Bobzin, K. Möhwald, M. Parco, K. Richardt, L. Engl - Re–Cr composite prepared by simultaneous deposition using thermionic vacuum arcs
C.P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A.M. Lungu, S. Stoleriu, F. Sava, M. Popescu, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, I. Iwanaga - A novel method of the deposition of zinc coatings on low carbon steels
D. Chaliampalias, N. Pistofidis, G. Vourlias, E. Pavlidou, G. Stergioudis, E.K. Polychroniadis, D. Tsipas - The usage of metallic additives for the alteration of the structure of zinc coatings
S. Konidaris, N. Pistofidis, G. Vourlias, G. Stergioudis, D. Tsipas - Properties of coatings produced by DC plasma torch of the novel design
M. Vilotijevic, B. Dacic, D. BozicProperties Characterisation
- Depth resolved residual stress measurements of coated carbide cutting inserts
B. Denkena, B. Breidenstein - Coating elastic-plastic properties determination by nanoindentations and FEM-supported evaluation algorithms
K.-D. Bouzakis, N. Michailidis - Quantitative nano+micro metrology of coatings
N. Gitis, N.M. Vinogradov, A. Daugela - Impact test on PVD coatings, at elevated temperatures
K.-D. Bouzakis, E. Lili, A. Sampris, N. Michailidis, E. Pavlidou, G. Skordaris - Performance of different PVD tool coatings in sheet metal forming operations
W. Lauwerens, F. Clarysse, M. Van Stappen, K.-D. Bouzakis, I. Mirisidis, E. Lili, A. Sampris - A novel method to characterize cohesion and adhesion properties of coatings by means of the inclined impact test
K.-D. Bouzakis, A. Asimakopoulos, G. Skordaris, J. Anastopoulos, E. Pavlidou, G. Erkens - Mechanical characterization of semimanufactured and finished components by means of fimec test
G. Costanza, R. Montanari, F. Quadrini, M.E. Tata - Materials Constitutive Laws and Hardness Determination, based on Nanoindentations and FEM-based Evaluations
K.-D. Bouzakis, N. Michailidis, G. Skordaris - A FEM based simulation of nanoindentation to determine superficial gradation of strength properties
K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Skordaris, N. Michailidis - Characterization of diamond-like coatings on hard metal cutting tools via Raman spectroscopy and piezospectroscopy
S. Lo Casto, E. Lucchini, O. Sbaizero, V. Sergo, N. Scuor, M. Nicolich - Coating failure propagation during impact test evaluated by image processing techniques
K.-D. Bouzakis, R. Paraskevopoulou, G. Giannopoulos - Force signal evaluation during the impact test
K.-D. Bouzakis, A. Sampris, E. Lili - Importance of measuring coatings with “scratch tester” devices
J. DucanSurface Treatments & Tribology
- Mechanical Pre-treatment of Ceramic Substrate Materials for Successive Coating
E. Uhlmann, T. Hühns, S. Grigoriev, W. Reimers, S. Dieter - Ni/SiC composite electrocoatings
E.A. Pavlatou, N. Spyrellis - Effect of laser surface alloying of X38CRMOV5-3 hot work tool steel
L.A. Dobrzaski, M. Piec, K. Labisz, A. Lisiecki, A. Klimpel - Surface treatments of valves materials and their effects on surface characteristics
Ch.I. Sarafoglou, D.I. Pantelis, A. Karantzalis - Tribologial behavior of CRN-WX% coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering
T.-H. Liu, Y.-L. Su, C.-T. Su, S.-H. Yao, W.-H. Kao, C.-A. Hsu - Tribological behavior of coated tools surfaces for metal powder sintering
M. Babic, S. Panic, M. Zlatanovic - Comparative analysis of tribological performances of materials that can achieve thin layers from selective transfer
F. Ilie - Tribological behavioUr of Cr3C2/NiCr composite plasma sprayed coating on steel substrate
A. Koutsomichalis, N.M. Vaxevanidis, A. Diamanti, G. Petropoulos, T. Papazoglou, S.S. Antoniou - Comparative wear resistance of glow discharge-plasma-nitrided and gas nitrided specimens
R. Gligorijevic, J. Jevtic, Dj. Borak - Preparation and characterization of GMR layers deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technology
I. Mustata, C.P. Lungu, A.M. Lungu, O. Brinza, V. Zaroschi, V. Kuncser, G. Filoti, N. Apetroaei