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“THE” Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering and EUREKA Partnering Event

Proceedings | 3rd International Conference | 28-29 November 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece

N-id: 0921 Κατηγορία: Σελίδες: 560 Σχήμα: 17 x 24 Xρονολογία: 2002 ISBN: 960-431-826-8


“THE” Coatings Conference represents the joint effort of three academic Institutions, of the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Thessaloniki, the Institute for Production Engineering and Machine Tools, University of Hannover and the Laboratory for Manufacturing Technology, University of Erlangen – Nuremberg to establish an international forum concerning the thin hard coatings applications in the field of production techniques and engineering.
The scope of this Conference, organized in one and a half year periods in Greece and in Germany alternatively, embraces the state of the art and the future trends in coatings research and development, focused on the industrial applications in manufacturing engineering, as well as encouraging the international collaborations.
It’s a great privilege and honor for the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering (EEΔΜ) of the Aristoteles University Thessaloniki to organize
the 3rd International Conference “THE” Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, with the support of the Hellenic EUREKA Office. In this conference research activities results elaborated by various scientific Institutions, Companies and by (EEΔΜ) will be presented.
During the period July 2001-June 2002 Greece hold the Chairmanship of the EUREKA Initiative. Among the priorities of the Hellenic Chairmanship was the projects generation also in the area of Advanced Manufacturing Procedures. For this reason partnering actions to stimulate the creation of EUREKA Projects were foreseen to take place, in the frame of Seminars and Conferences, such as “THE” Coatings.
The EUREKA partnering event, which is going to be contacted at the end of the present conference, facilitates moreover collaborations between Research Institutions and Industry, towards the development of innovative products and services.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. K.-D. Bouzakis
Director of the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering, President of the Organizing Committee


  • Plenary Session
  • Session on Manufacturing
  • Session on Machine Components
  • Session on Coating Deposition Processes
  • Session on Properties Characterization
  • Session on Tribology
  • Session on Surface Treatments