Μουσιόπουλος Nικόλαος
Research in the Rields of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 3
Selected Scientific Articles of the Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering
Preface by Nicolas Noussiopoulos
The Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering belongs to the Energy Section of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece. Founded in 1990, the Laboratory is responsible for eleven pre-graduate courses in the Mechanical Engineering Department, while also supervising 19 doctoral candidates in the frame of their post-graduate studies. Furthermore, it has a long record of research and consulting activities, both at national and international level. The staff of the Laboratory includes 5 senior scientists, 30 young researchers and 9 technical and administrative members. Most of the research funds of the Laboratory originate from competitive programmes of the European Commission, although in 2004 we have been quite successful in achieving significant grants from national funding agencies. The total turnover for the year 2004 is of the order of 1 million euro.
Research activities of the Laboratory are primarily related to air quality at the urban and local scales, including indoor air pollution issues. Furthermore, research is conducted and consulting services are provided in the areas of environmental management, energy technology, energy systems and economics, as well as solid waste management (see schematic on the front cover).
The present volume contains 17 scientific articles resulting from the research activities of our Laboratory. Most of these articles are associated with research projects financially supported by national funding agencies, industrial partners and the European Commission. The close contacts between our staff and various research groups in Greece and abroad are reflected by the fact that several articles were co-authored by distinguished colleagues from other institutions, whom I would like to thank most sincerely for the fruitful collaboration.
It is worthy to mention that this third volume in the series “Research in the Fields of Energy and the Environment” appears in a year of a double celebration: The School of Engineering was inaugurated 50 years ago, while our Laboratory is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Hard work was necessary for reaching the point where we stand now, and in this context I am indebted to all my co-workers for their devotion to the Laboratory and their enthusiastic participation at our scientific activities. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to Harisios Achillas, Apostolos Malamakis and Maria Theodoseli for their valuable contributions to the preparation of the present volume.
- Atmospheric Sciences
- The Street Emission Ceilings (SEC) project
N. Moussiopoulos, E.-A. Kalognomou, K.D. van den Hout, S. Larssen, G. Mellios, Z. Samaras and F.A.A.M. de Leeuw - Application and development of the OFIS model within the framework of CityDelta
N. Moussiopoulos and I. Douros - Dispersion modelling in the frame of the evaluation of the depollution effectiveness of photocatalytic wall coatings
N. Moussiopoulos, Ph. Barmpas and I. OssanlisAir Quality Management
- European emission control strategies and the urban environment – Lessons learned from the EU research project MERLIN
R. Friedrich, S. Reis, I. Douros, N. Moussiopoulos and the MERLIN project team - The multi-pollutant cost-effectiveness emission reduction problem
Ch. Vlachokostas and N. Moussiopoulos - The effect of ventilation on the indoor environment quality in a natural ventilated office building, a case study
A. Avgelis and A. PapadopoulosSolid Waste Management
- Comparative analysis of financial tools for urban solid waste management in Greece and the US: The cases of Panorama and Davis
A. Karagiannidis, A. Xirogiannopoulou, H. Leverenz and G. Tchobanoglous - Optimization of regional management of municipal solid waste: a modeling approach with application
Ε. Erkut, Α. Karagiannidis, G. Perkoulidis and S. Tjandra - Planning of interventions for the optimization of urban solid waste collection at municipal level
G. Tsiotras, A. Georgiou, A. Papadopoulos, A. Karagiannidis and P. Rakimbei - Infectious hospital waste management at the 2nd Regional Health and Welfare Authority of Central Macedonia
G. Sanida, K. Kallergis, A. Karagiannidis, P. Rakimbei and A. Xirogiannopoulou - Comparison of leaching tests for the characterization of waste
M. Chrysochoou, B. Bilitewski, N. Moussiopoulos and A. KaragiannidisEnvironmental Management
- Life cycle assessment of hydrogen fuel production processes
C. Koroneos, A. Dompros, G. Roumbas and N. Moussiopoulos - Life cycle assessment of kerosene used in aviation
C. Koroneos, A. Dompros, G. Roumbas and N. Moussiopoulos - Comparative life cycle analysis of a constant and a variable air volume HVAC system: A case study in an institutional building
A. Avgelis, E. Giama, A. Karamanos, K. Papageorgiou and A. PapadopoulosEnergy Systems and Economics
- Energy audits in hospital buildings and the potential for energy conservation
A. Papadopoulos, A. Avgelis and A. Stylianou - Integration of renewable energy systems in urban buildings: From energy conservation to feasible energy supply
A. Papadopoulos, S. Oxizidis and A. Avgelis - Energy audits, as a key to energy management in the hotel sector
K. Papageorgiou, A. Karamanos, A. Avgelis, E. Giama and A. Papadopoulos
Laboratory research profile
Staff of the Laboratory