Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Patras
4th Panthellenic Logic Symposium – Extended Abstracts
July 7-10, 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece
Table of Contents
- Dines Bjorner, Logics of formal software specification languages. The possible worlds cum domain problem
- Jean-Louis Krivine, Curry-Howard correspondence and the axiom of dependent choice
- Pavlos Peppas, Reasoning about change: The Frame Problem
- Konstantinos Sagonas, Tabling for (constraint) logic programming
- Ivan Soskov, Degree spectra and co-spectra of structures
- William Demopoulos, Logicism: Its historical context and current prospects
- Elias Koutsoupias, Algorithms for propositional satisfiability
- Maurizio Lenzerini, Logic-based information integration
- Alain Louveau, Borel and analytic equivalence relations
- D. Bastiras, The logic of Herakleitos and the law of non-contradiction
- N. Demetriou and A. Kakas, Argumentation with abduction
- R. Diaconescu and P. Stefaneas, Modality in open institutions with concrete syntax
- T. Dimitriou, On SAT distributions with planted assignments
- E. Foustoucos and I. Guessarian, Complexity of monadic INF-DATALOG. Application to temporal logic
- S. Gerogiorgakis, A contribution to the influences of the Diodorean modalities from the Middle Ages to the present
- S. Ghilezan and S. Likavec, Extensions of the reducibility method
- A. Kaporis and E. Lalas, Lower bounds to the conjectured threshold value for the 3-SAT problem
- G. Kapoulas, Infinitesimals via the cofinite filter
- D. Kavvadias and E. Stavropoulos, An algorithm for generating all maximal models of Boolean expressions
- M. Kurilic and A. Pavlovic, An application of “Back and Forth” and PFA in topology
- S. Nikoletseas, V. Papadopoulou and P. Spirakis, Radiocoloring graphs via the probabilistic method
- N. Papaspyrou, D. Vytiniotis and V. Koutavas, Logic-enhanced type systems: Programming language support for reasoning about security and other program properties
- T. Pheidas and X. Vidaux, Extensions of Büchi’s problem: Questions of decidability for addition and n-th powers
- G. Popa, The boundary crossing theorem
- N. Rigas, Conditionally partial lambda models and strong normalization
- P. Rondogiannis and W. Wadge, A model intersection theorem for logic programming with negation-as-failure
- B. Sobot, Ultraproducts of trees
- A. Soskova, Cospectra of joint spectra of a sequence of structures
- V. Sotirov, Leibnitz style arithmetization of some logical systems
- S. Zachos and A. Pagourtzis, Combinatory complexity: Operators on complexity classes
- A. Zinoviev, ITL as a language for regular relations