Papadopoulos Prodromos
The author studied Physics at Aristotle's University of Thessalonica. At first he worked on atomic physics and quantum chemistry in the National institute of research (Athens). Later he spend much time on programming computers in order to solve mathematical problems of statistics. Mainly about the correction of probability of an event in connection to objective factors which influence it. Another interest to him today is the teaching of physics lessons by the help of visual aids and simulation of experiments (Interactive Physics). But for many years he has been working on the subject he has loved since childhood, astrophysics. An accidental observation on the creation of invariant quantities of tensor calculus drove him to the invention of a new method of creating quantum equations in curved spaces. This method (between other cheering predictions as the Hawking emission of a "naked" black hole) can explain the spectra of X-ray stellar sources and quasars. It is about of a new interested physical phenomenon of tidal forces that is missing from modern astrophysics. Between others this new method and the quantum phenomenon of tidal forces are proposed in this book. Currently the author teaches in the 1st Gymnasium in the Yiannitsa city, where he was born. This book is not only of a research interest. It also includes an introduction on modern physics with philosophical dimensions. Thusly it is not only targeted to researchers, students and teachers of physics but also to any individual who loves the subject, as long as he has knowledge of basic mathematics and general physics.