Research in the Rields of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 2

N-id: 0937 Κατηγορία: Σελίδες: 160 Σχήμα: 17 x 24 Xρονολογία: 2003 Εκδόσεις: ΑΠΘ, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών

The Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering belongs to the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Aristotle University Thessaloniki. Founded in 1990, the Laboratory has a long record of research and consulting activities, both at national and international level. Most of these activities are related to the protection of the atmospheric environment. Furthermore, the Laboratory conducts research and provides consulting services in the areas of environmental management and informatics, energy technology, energy systems and economics, as well as solid waste management (see schematic on the front cover).
Regarding its teaching activities, the Laboratory is responsible for eleven pre-graduate courses, while also supervising thirteen doctoral candidates in the frame of their post-graduate studies. Every year about twenty diploma theses are completed which in their vast majority are directly related to the Laboratory’s research activities.
Up to now, the Laboratory has been involved in about 70, mostly competitive research projects. More than 90% of the research funds of the Laboratory originate from competitive programmes of the European Commission. The total turnover for the year 2002 is of the order of 1.2 million euro. The results of the Laboratory’s research work are disseminated through publications in scientific journals, articles in books and presentations in mostly international conferences.
The Laboratory’s consulting services mostly refer to participations at Environmental Impact Assessment Studies. Furthermore, in several situations services were provided to public authorities and the private sector. Examples are consultations to industrial firms in waste management and air pollutant dispersion issues, as well as the co-ordination of the Athens Air Quality Study in support of the city’s candidature for the 2004 Olympic Games. Finally, the Laboratory provides significant services to EEA’s European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change.
Following an analogous edition in 1999, the present volume contains sixteen scientific articles reflecting the research and consulting activities of the Laboratory in the period 1999-2002. The majority of these papers were prepared on the occasion of the HELECO 2003 Conference (Athens, 30 January-1 February 2003). Most of the articles are related to the involvement of the Laboratory in large international research projects. I would like to express my gratitude to all our co-workers from various European countries for their fruitful collaboration over the years. Furthermore, I am indebted to all members of the Laboratory for their devotion and their professional skills, which are obvious prerequisites for success and effectiveness in scientific research. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the editorial help provided by Natasha Dourala, Eleni Kobogianni and Ioanna Theodoridou.


    Atmospheric Sciences

  • Recent advances in urban air pollution research, N. Moussiopoulos
  • Evaluation of MEMO using the ESCOMPTE pre-campaign dataset, N. Moussiopoulos, I. Douros, P. Louka, C. Simonidis and A. Arvanitis
  • Optimisation of CFD modeling methods for traffic pollution in streets within the TRAPOS research network, P. Louka and N. Moussiopoulos

    Air Quality Management

  • The application of air quality models as part of a study for optimised urban transport in Thessaloniki, N. Moussiopoulos, E. A. Kalognomou, Ch. Balla, I. Theodoridou, C. Borrego and A.M. Costa
  • APNEE: An environmental information services system, K. Karatzas, A. Masouras, A. Kaprara, Th. Slini, A. Basoukos and N. Moussiopoulos
  • Towards an environmentally viable electronic city, N. Moussiopoulos, K. Karatzas and E.-A. Kalognomou

    Solid Waste Management

  • Sampling surveys, field works and laboratory analyses in the frame of an integrated investigation of solid waste management in Thessaloniki, N. Moussiopoulos, Z. Samaras, Th. Kouimtzis, A. Karagiannidis, D. Voutsa, G. Perkoulidis, G. Koufodimos and Th. Kouras
  • Registration of disposal sites for municipal solid wastes in the Thessaloniki perfecture, N. Moussiopoulos, A. Karagiannidis and A. Salonikidou
  • Complication and multicriterial ranking of scenarios for locating solid waste management facilities, A. Karagiannidis, G. Perkoulidis and N. Moussiopoulos
  • Preliminary results from an applicability study of variable rate pricing in solid waste management in Greece, A. Karagiannidis, N. Moussiopoulos and A. Xirogiannopoulou

    Environmental Management

  • Developing a virtual network for Life Cycle Analysis of post-consumer electronics, A. Karagiannidis, A. Papadopoulos, G. Perkoulidis, T. Tsatsarelis and N. Moussiopoulos
  • Adoption of Life Cycle Analysis in SMEs, C.J. Koroneos and N. Moussiopoulos
  • The implementation of Environmental Management Systems in Greece, N. Dourala, E. Giama, A. Boura and N. Moussiopoulos

    Energy Systems and Economics

  • Environmental impact of insulating materials at the end of their useful lifetime, A. Papadopoulos, A. Karamanos and A. Avgelis
  • A study on the energy behaviour of the hotel sector: application in the region of Pieria, A. Papadopoulos, T. Karamanos, A. Avgelis and S. Oxizidis
  • Renewable energy solutions for small insular systems, A. Papadopoulos, A. Avgelis, A. Karamanos and S. Oxizidis
  • Research and Consulting Activities of the Laboratory
  • Staff of the Laboratory