Bonas George, GSRT
EU-Balkan countries Action Plan in Science & Technology
Adopted at the Ministerial Conference in Thessaloniki (26-27 June 2003)
The adoption of the «EU – Balkan countries Action Plan in Science and Technology» was one of the priorities of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
This initiative has been based on the conclusions of several events dedicated to the cooperation of the Balkan countries with the EU that took place the last three years.
The Action Plan has been adopted at a Ministerial Conference convened for this purpose in Thessaloniki on June 26-27, 2003. Two High-Level Officials meetings (Thessaloniki, 22-24/2/03 and 26/6/03) have been dedicated to the finalization of the documents presented by the Greek Presidency.
These Proceedings include the adopted «Shared vision» and «Action Plan» documents together with a series of Annexes (policy documents, conclusions from previous events, funding schemes, bilateral cooperation initiatives, etc). They also include full lists of the participants in the preparation and adoption phases, to facilitate the contacts during the currently ongoing implementation phase.
- Shared vision
- Action Plan
- Annex A:
Policy documents of the European Commission - Annex B:
Conclusions from previous events
Vienna, December 2000
Paris, October 2001
Brussels, October 2001
Bonn, March 2002
Bucharest, April 2002
Sofia, September 2002
Dubrovnik, November 2002 - Annex C:
Initiatives, Organizations and Schemes for the financial support of actions in the Balkan region - Annex D:
Bilateral Cooperation programmes in Science and Technology - Annex E:
Western Balkan and candidate countries of the region: Classification of main problems related to S&T and envisaged actions to address it - Annex F:
First meeting of the Task Force on the Improvement of Electronic Networks, Athens, 11/6/03 – Conclusions - Participants lists
Ministerial Conference and High-Level Officials meeting (Thessaloniki, 26-27/6/03)
(First) High-Level Officials meeting (Thessaloniki, 22-24/2/03)